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Oeng Anwarudin, Yoyon Haryanto

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1Oeng Anwarudin, 2Yoyon Haryanto
1Lecturer of Manokwari Agricultural Extension Collage - Ministry of Agriculture Indonesia
2Lecturer of Bogor Agricultural Extension Collage - Ministry of Agriculture Indonesia

Anwarudin, Oeng, and Yoyon Haryanto. "THE ROLE OF FARMER-TO-FARMER EXTENSION AS A MOTIVATOR FOR THE AGRICULTURE YOUNG GENERATION." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 3, no. 1, Jan. 2018, pp. 428-437, Accessed 2018.
Anwarudin, O., & Haryanto, Y. (2018, January). THE ROLE OF FARMER-TO-FARMER EXTENSION AS A MOTIVATOR FOR THE AGRICULTURE YOUNG GENERATION. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 3(1), 428-437. Retrieved from
Anwarudin, Oeng, and Yoyon Haryanto. "THE ROLE OF FARMER-TO-FARMER EXTENSION AS A MOTIVATOR FOR THE AGRICULTURE YOUNG GENERATION." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 3, no. 1 (January 2018), 428-437. Accessed , 2018.

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Farmer-to-Farmer extension has a potential role in strengthening motivation of agriculture young generation to be the forerunner of agricultural actors regeneration process. Even there is no clear authority for Farmer-to-Farmer extension, but they have more access to deliver agricultural information and innovation. The purpose of this research is to analyze the motivation of the young generation as agricultural actors; the role of farmer-to-farmer extension to motivate the young generation as agricultural actors and the role and characteristic of agriculture extension agents and the motivation of young generation as agricultural actors towards the regeneration of agricultural actors. This study uses a survey design of 140 respondents representing the young generation who are interested in the agricultural sector. Data collection was conducted from April to May 2016. Data analysis using descriptive technique and Path Analysis. Based on the results of the research, the conclusion is that the desire to develop theirself becomes the only motivational component which encourages youth interest to the agricultural sector. Further, the prominent role of farmer-to-farmer extension in motivating the young generation is in spreading technology and information. The conclusion is that farmer-tofarmer extension role can slightly motivate the interest of young generation to agriculture sector, thus would become early process in the regeneration of agricultural actors.

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