International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Dr. Vilas Bhikaji Khandare, Sayyad Abdul Aziz Maheboob

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1Dr. Vilas Bhikaji Khandare, 2Sayyad Abdul Aziz Maheboob
1. Shri Asaramji Bhandwaldar Arts. Commerce and Science College, Deogaon (R.) Dist. Aurangabadm M.S. India
2. Kohinoor College, Khultabad, Dist. Aurangabad.

Khandare, Dr. Vilas Bhikaji, and Sayyad Abdul Aziz Maheboob. "TRENDS OF PUBLIC EXPENDITURE IN INDIA: AN EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 4, no. 5, May 2019, pp. 3307-3318, Accessed May 2019.
Khandare, D., & Maheboob, S. (2019, May). TRENDS OF PUBLIC EXPENDITURE IN INDIA: AN EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 4(5), 3307-3318. Retrieved from
Khandare, Dr. Vilas Bhikaji, and Sayyad Abdul Aziz Maheboob. "TRENDS OF PUBLIC EXPENDITURE IN INDIA: AN EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 4, no. 5 (May 2019), 3307-3318. Accessed May, 2019.

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This study is undertaken mainly to examine the impact of GDP, public revenue and fiscal deficit on the growth of Public Expenditure of India during the period from 2003-04 to 2016-17. The ordinary least squares (OLS) regression technique and correlation was used for analyze the data. According to standard deviation it is observed that the GDP growth is more consistent than Public Expenditure, public revenue and fiscal deficit during the study period in India. The correlation between GDP growth and Public Expenditure in India is to negative but insignificant. The coefficient of correlation between fiscal deficit, public revenue and public expenditure is found positive but insignificant. The significance level of public revenue with public expenditure (0.2%) is highly significant than fiscal deficit and GDP growth in India. The results of OLS show that GDP growth, public revenue and fiscal deficit has positive relation with the public expenditure in India. It is found form the OLS results that one percent increase in public revenue will increase 0.66 percent public expenditure followed by GDP growth 0.27 percent and fiscal deficit0.06 percent. It found that GDP, Fiscal Deficit and Public Revenue have positive impact on the growth of public expenditure in India. The value of R2 (coefficient of determination) in our model represents that 73.31 percent of the variations in the dependent variable in Public Expenditure is due to independent variables included in the model.

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