International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Sectorial Investigation of Waste Management in Sri Lanka for a Sustainable Future - Challenges and Opportunities for Policy Making and Practice

Gauri Agarwal and Dr Iva Bimpli

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Gauri Agarwal1 and Dr Iva Bimpli2
1. The International School Bangalore
2. The University of Leeds, United Kingdom

Agarwal, Gauri, and Dr Iva Bimpli. "Sectorial Investigation of Waste Management in Sri Lanka for a Sustainable Future - Challenges and Opportunities for Policy Making and Practice." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 10, no. 3, Mar. 2025, pp. 871-887, Accessed Mar. 2025.
Agarwal, G., & Bimpli, D. (2025, March). Sectorial Investigation of Waste Management in Sri Lanka for a Sustainable Future - Challenges and Opportunities for Policy Making and Practice. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 10(3), 871-887. Retrieved from
Agarwal, Gauri, and Dr Iva Bimpli. "Sectorial Investigation of Waste Management in Sri Lanka for a Sustainable Future - Challenges and Opportunities for Policy Making and Practice." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 10, no. 3 (March 2025), 871-887. Accessed March, 2025.


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Managing waste properly is directly linked to sustainability, sustainable development, transformation and the conservation of natural resources. Since waste management plays a pivotal role in paving the pathway to a sustainable future, this research paper aims to investigate a number of key industries in Sri Lanka in regard to waste management initiatives, practices and approaches. This present research is unique due to its interdisciplinary approach and its focus on integrating waste management practices across diverse sectors. The industries chosen contribute substantially to the waste generated on the planet, and in the chosen country’s context. This study reviews waste management in a sectorial manner to shed light on diverse practices and implications in Sri Lanka’s economy in order to inform policy making and good practice. The research reviews the relevant literature and relevant business cases and it has been found that there is significant waste generation across the investigated sectors. However, there is scope and initiation to incorporate policies and practices and pave the way forward to more efficient waste management and reduced waste generation. The different sectors show different levels of proactiveness when it comes to initiatives, practices and policy making for waste management. Therefore, both universal, as well as targeted approaches to waste management need to be considered in order to nationally address the issue and help Sri Lanka reach its economic potential.

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