International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Informal Waste Picker Activities: An Opportunity for A Formal Circular Economy Functioning in Cameroon

Michele Lameu Djeutchouang

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Michele Lameu Djeutchouang
Economy of Francesco Research Fellow 2023/2024, 5582-Nlongkak- Yaoundé Cameroon.

Djeutchouang, Michele Lameu. "Informal Waste Picker Activities: An Opportunity for A Formal Circular Economy Functioning in Cameroon." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 10, no. 3, Mar. 2025, pp. 888-905, Accessed Mar. 2025.
Djeutchouang, M. (2025, March). Informal Waste Picker Activities: An Opportunity for A Formal Circular Economy Functioning in Cameroon. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 10(3), 888-905. Retrieved from
Djeutchouang, Michele Lameu. "Informal Waste Picker Activities: An Opportunity for A Formal Circular Economy Functioning in Cameroon." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 10, no. 3 (March 2025), 888-905. Accessed March, 2025.


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A lot has been done on the development and implementation of circular economy in diverse formalized economies and structured contexts in the Global Northern economies. But very little is known about circular economy in countries in the Global South. This is likely due to the high prevalence of Informatily in these economies, slow progress in industrial development, and limited technological capabilities compared to countries in the Global North. Our research fills this gap by presenting a case study in Cameroon, where intuitively, circular economy principles have always been part of household management and as inspirational driver for informal community engagement for the common good. Revealing that, circular economy in its actual informal state stems from waste management handling, principally orchestrated by informal waste pickers. Through an inductive approach and a semi structured questionnaire administered to 43 independent waste pickers in Yaoundé and 31 waste pickers from the Association of Waste Pickers of Cameroon in Douala, three profiles of waste pickers were revealed according to circular economy practices they exercise. After some months of observation of their work on the streets and on the landfill site in Nyalla PK 10, we make known the challenges they face and the brave work they do. We propose some solutions to enlighten decision makers on how a formalization process of such circular practices can further promote decent work, tackle vulnerabilities, reduce poverty as well as inequalities and be a catalyst for a green transition in this region through a formalized circular economy model.

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