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The Ethics of High-Risk, High-Return Decentralized Finance: How Cryptocurrencies Align with the Values of the Orthodox Christian Worldview

Dr. Ioannis Gazetas and Dr. Ioannis Aznaouridis

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Dr. Ioannis Gazetas1 and Dr. Ioannis Aznaouridis2
1. Theologian Cleric of The Orthodox Church of Greece, Psychotherapist, Mental Health Counselor
2. Economist, Public Administration, General Staff of The Hellenic Army

Gazetas, Dr. Ioannis, and Dr. Ioannis Aznaouridis. "The Ethics of High-Risk, High-Return Decentralized Finance: How Cryptocurrencies Align with the Values of the Orthodox Christian Worldview." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 10, no. 3, Mar. 2025, pp. 999-1029, Accessed Mar. 2025.
Gazetas, D., & Aznaouridis, D. (2025, March). The Ethics of High-Risk, High-Return Decentralized Finance: How Cryptocurrencies Align with the Values of the Orthodox Christian Worldview. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 10(3), 999-1029. Retrieved from
Gazetas, Dr. Ioannis, and Dr. Ioannis Aznaouridis. "The Ethics of High-Risk, High-Return Decentralized Finance: How Cryptocurrencies Align with the Values of the Orthodox Christian Worldview." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 10, no. 3 (March 2025), 999-1029. Accessed March, 2025.


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The use of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology raises ethical dilemmas and challenges, as they are driven by an instrumental financial rationalism that focuses on outcomes while often disregarding ethical values, they cause economic, social, and environmental consequences. In contrast, Orthodox Christian ethics emphasize the need for a human-centered approach to wealth creation and management, advocating for responsible technology use that prevents illicit financial activities, mitigates moral hazards, and respects the environment. Based on extensive literature review and analysis, this paper examines, from an interdisciplinary perspective, the relevance of modern cryptoeconomy to the human values of Orthodox Christian ethics. The findings highlight the strong outcome-oriented focus of cryptocurrency platforms, often ignoring principles such as ethical responsibility, social justice, and solidarity, which Orthodoxy upholds. At the same time, it reveals a new complex reality that questions the claimed decentralization, economic freedom, and transparency of cryptoeconomy, leading to the necessity of shaping an ethically sustainable approach.

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