Abstract: The objective/purpose of the study was to explain the relationship between age diversity and
the performance of telecommunication firms in Kenya. Workforce diversity issues may
adversely affect an organization's public reputation, competitiveness and can significantly
threaten the bottom line. In this age of technology, young employees can be more creative, learn
faster and can drive innovation in an organization. Due to their different way of socialization
and exposure, they can easily embrace change that drives innovation and organizational
performance. Old employees on the other hand are considered as reservoirs of knowledge,
carrying the institutional memory of an organization thus enabling effective transfer of skill.
Secondary and primary data is collected and analyzed from 14 telecommunications firms for a
period of five years (2010-2014). Blau's index (measure of heterogeneity) is used to
operationalize age diversity. Financial measures of performance and in particular the return on
investments (ROI) is used to measure firm performance due to its holistic nature and popularity
as a measure of performance among the targeted firms. Descriptive analysis, Correlation
analysis and multiple regression analysis are the statistical techniques used for measuring the
level and direction of correlation between the variables. The study found out that age diversity of
employees has a weak but statistically significant relationship with performance (p<0.01),
(R2=13.1%) implying that age diversity explained 13.1% variation in the performance of
telecommunication firms in Kenya. |