Authors: John Leddo
Rahul Kindi, Jaatani Abdi, Dhanush Banka, Shaan Bhandarkar, Neehar Chadeva, Sanjana
Das |
Abstract: The Internet has given rise to a plethora of multimedia educational resources that are available to
students. Two of the most popular instructional formats are video-based instruction and
educational television. These are attractive since they provide engaging education and reach
wide audiences. However, a potential weakness is that the type of personalized instruction a
teacher provides is typically lost. The present paper investigates whether combining these
formats with artificial intelligence (AI) technology can enhance student performance. Two
experiments were conducted, one that added AI to Internet-delivered educational TV and one
that added AI to Internet-delivered VBI. In both cases, student performance was dramatically
improved. The results suggest that AI can improve educational performance when added to the
multimedia-based instruction. |