International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Dr. N. Savitha, M. Prasanth

Background of the study: The occupational health scenario has undergone an enormous growth to develop rapid industrialisation. Women's participation in the labour force plays an important role and contribution to economic productivity. The occupational health and safety policies covering women workers and their work condition should be more effective for the growth of Indian economic development. Study purposes: This paper reviews the major research works on occupational health hazards of working women in India. The various studies covered major hazards like textile industries, constructions, leather industries, bank sectors and call center based on the occupational point of view. Only a few studies focused on occupational health hazards like violence and sexual harassment of working women. Main findings: The present paper describes the various hazards affect the women workers and their health safety measures. In the study the availability and accessibility of employment for women results the good indicator of economic and social inclusion. The women workers have faced the problems like poor working environments, unfair labour practices, low wages, and occupational hazard exposure. Conclusion: In a country like India, there is more population of women workers, only legislations can act as the guidelines. Safety and health at work are important matters and should be given the consideration in policies at all levels.

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