Abstract: The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between the life satisfaction and the
personality characteristics of the football trainers from different statutes. sampling of study is
consisted of 82 volunteer football coaches. As data collection tool in the study, the Life
Satisfaction Scale and the Reviewed Eysenck Personality Questionnaire's Brief Form were
utilized. Collected data was analyzed by the SPSS 20 package software. Whereas "KolmogorovSmirnov"
test was conducted to analyze data in terms of normal distribution; "AnovaHomogenety
of Variances" test was conducted to evaluate their homogeneity. Hence, it was
determined that collected data exhibit homogeny and normal distribution. Afterwards of this
initial analysis, it was decided that parametric test method was necessary in statistical analysis of
the collected data. In this process, descriptive statistic and Pearson correlation analysis were
conducted. At the end of the study, a positive significant correlation was determined between
extroversion personality type and their life satisfaction levels of academicians. |