Abstract: The contingent valuation method (CVM) has been frequently applied in environmental and
sports research to assign a monetary value to non-market goods. This study examines the role of
survey timing in CVM research and the temporal reliability of CVM estimates. The research
context is the German Football Bundesliga where we estimate the monetary value of the public
good 'major league city status' using CVM. Data were collected for twelve first division teams
in three waves during the 2014/2015 season in the one-week-period around a game day
(n=10,020). Thus, our survey timing measures capture both within-season and around-game day
variation. The results of double-hurdle models show that only the binary measures of
willingness-to-pay (WTP) and willingness-to-accept (WTA) were significantly affected by the
day of the survey in relation to the game day. Survey timing did not affect the amount of WTP
and WTA indicating that these estimates are temporally reliable. |