International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Dr. Revenio C. Jalagat, Jr

This study aimed to evaluate the extent of CRM application in Bank Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. Specifically, it sought to address the following questions: (1) What is the role of Customer Relationship Management factors on service quality provided by Bank Muscat? (2) What are the different tools and techniques Bank Muscat uses in order to practice relationship management and how they use it? (3) How customer relationship management tools and techniques can contribute customer loyalty and customer retention ? The research utilized the mixed method research that employs both the quantitative and qualitative approach. The SPSS package was used to analyze the demographic profile of the respondents and the role of CRM in assessing the service quality provided by Bank Muscat with the use of Likert Scale. The other part of this research dealt with the qualitative aspect with the use of interview to the customer respondents and the 3 Bank Muscat staffs. The data gathering was made to the 80 customer respondents and three staff respondents. The findings of the study showed that majority of the respondents are male and majority have attained bachelor's degree. In the aspect of evaluating the role of CRM to service quality the findings showed the following factors positively impacts the service quality: On-time bank statement; employee efficiency customer service; value for the money; the role of promised excellent services with promised times and regular interaction in quality banking services; role of employee's effective communications with the customers; role of extensive knowledge on products and services of the employees are essential in providing quality services; role of using technology and e-banking services helps to develop the quality of the services in this industry; and the role of the availability of the senior manager to increase the service quality of the bank. Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, it was recommended that the top management should support the maintenance of CRM system; increase the rate responsiveness of the management to the concerns of the customers and incorporate in the strategic planning;periodic evaluation of the CRM system for improvement; allocation of budget to sustain the CRM implementation; and embraced the concept of continuous improvement emphasizing on customer-focused operation.

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