Abstract: This study is conducted with an intention to explore the socioeconomic status of Rangpur. To
investigate, this study considers various important determinants of socioeconomic status such as
gender, religion, occupation, income, education, wealth class, child marriage rate and health. The
study finds that the socioeconomic status of the rural area of Rangpur is far more lagging behind
than the urban area. By the conduction of the survey it is closely observed that the
socioeconomic factors are so close to one another that hindrance in one factors pulling behind
the others factors which may consequence a serious undeveloped socioeconomic condition. It is
evident that, in term of women empowerment, literacy rate, heath consciousness, and
employment these rural areas are facing serious dilemma. Based on the survey the
socioeconomic status of Rangpur is not satisfactory as the majority of the population live in the
village so that without promoting these rural areas the overall condition will not be able to meet
the desired better condition. As a result, based on the findings of this study it is urged to take
essential steps in order to improve the rural socioeconomic factors, hence promoting the overall
socioeconomic condition.