International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Book Review: Taken from Arezou, Z. (2015) the book entitled as "reflective practice".


Volume - 2 Issue - 6, Pages - 3587-3602

Donald Schon (1983) introduced 'reflective practice' in education studies as a continuous process involving the teacher referring to critical incidents in his/her life's experiences. Therefore, this paper incorporates four important incidents which are related with the professional practices and reflections on the nature of the professional encounters of the practitioner's life experiences. Accordingly, as was suggested by Stephen Brookfield, the path to discovering the worth of your teaching is through a process of critical reflection. In fact, critically reflective teachers are excellent teachers who continually hone their personalized "authentic voice", a "pedagogic rectitude" that reveals the "value and dignity" of the teacher's work "because now we know what it's worth" (Brookfield, 1990, p46-7). Brookfield also adds Vigilant critical reflection delivers several boons: inspirational self-assuredness, the regular achievement of teaching goals, and motivated, critically reflective students.

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[GALANA, HIKA NEGASH. "Book Review: Taken from Arezou, Z. (2015) the Book Entitled as "reflective Practice"." International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research 2.6 (2017): 3587-602.]

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