International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Manisha Jha

Volume - 2 Issue - 7, Pages - 3802-3812

Population aging is an obvious consequence of the process of demographic transition. The developed regions of the world have already experienced its consequences, while the developing world is facing a similar scene. The combination of high fertility and falling mortality during the 20th century has emerged large and rapid increase in elderly populations as successively larger cohorts enter the span of old age. India's elderly population has already crossed 100 million mark during 2011.India is the second largest populated country in the world, with 72 million elderly persons above 60 years of age as of 2001, compared to China's 127 million. Aging population is the most challenging demographic phenomenon worldwide in the 21st century. India is one of the few countries in the world where males outnumber females. This phenomenon among elderly is of prime importance because female life expectancy at ages 60 and 70 is slightly higher than that of males.

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[Jha, Manisha. "WOMEN AND AGING: AREA OF CONCERN." International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research 2.7 (2017): 3802-812.]

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