International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Ahmed A. Alnajjar

Volume - 2 Issue - 9, Pages - 4478-4496

This paper investigated the extent to which isolation, collective connectedness, and relational connectedness shaped the phenomenon of loneliness in the UAE using an Arabic version of the UCLA loneliness scale. The participants were drawn from six populations in the country comprising largely of UAE nationals. Research data was collected by means of a survey and was analyzed using the quantitative method. The findings revealed that the feeling of being isolated was rarely experienced by the participants although the feeling of being relationally and collectively connected was sometimes a part of their experience. The occasional restriction of the individual from being social gregariousness however, appear to be normative when seen against the social and cultural background. The UAE is at the intersection of tradition and modernity but being rooted in tradition serves as a cushion against the insecurity of loneliness as it situates the individual within a gamut of traditional social networks and support groups. The findings reinforce the view that loneliness is both a contradictory and fundamental phenomena of human existence. Even among the happiest people, they can sometimes feel lonely too.

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[Alnajjar, Ahmed A. "EXPLORING THE PHENOMENON OF LONELINESS IN THE UAE." International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 2, no. 9, 2017, pp. 4478-4496. September.]

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