International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Dr. Ram Mehar, Dr. Sonia Rani

Volume - 2 Issue - 12, Pages - 5823-5838

This paper highlights the process of development and standardization of achievement test in English for Class X, Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi. Initially a preliminary draft of criterion referenced test consisting of 120 items was prepared. Eight subject experts were personally requested to reflect their opinion upon every statement. After getting feedback from themselves; some items were modified and 35 items were identified as dead distracters. A total of 85 test items were preserved for the final draft of Criterion Referenced Test in English. The tryout of criterion referenced test was taken to a sample of 50 students of class 10th studying in Kendriya Vidyalaya, Central Reserve Police Force, Pinjore. A criteria of Kelley (1939) method was opted for item analysis i.e. to find out Difficulty Value (DV) and Discrimination Power (DP) of the criterion referenced test. After try out and item analysis of criterion reference test, 70 items were retained for the first draft of achievement test in English. Traditional way of investigating reliability and validity has been criticized as inappropriate for criterion test (Popham & Husek, 1969). Therefore, alternative analysis for investigating the adequacy of criterion test has been developed (Berk, 1980). In contrast to the correlation statistics, these analyses rely minimally on the notion that inter-individual variability is necessary (Carver, 1974; Hambleton & Novick, 1973; Huynh, 1976). Popham (1975) suggested less sophisticated but more meaningful reliability measures to be employed when marked range restrictions are present. For reliability measures he had suggested few techniques. The investigator selected the one in which percentage of scores of students were to be calculated on two different occasions. The development of achievement test passed through three stages: (i) first draft of achievement test (ii) second draft of achievement test (iii) final draft of achievement test. So, the first draft of achievement test consisted of 70 items. After try out of first draft of achievement test to 50 students of class 10th studying in Kendriya Vidyalaya, Central Reserve Police Force, Pinjore; the same criteria was adopted for item analysis i.e. to find out Difficulty Value (DV) and Discrimination Power (DP) for the first draft of Achievement Test. A total of 60 items were remained for the second draft of achievement test in English. After try out upon 75 students of class 10th studying in Kendriya Vidyalaya, No 1,2 and 3 Ambala Cantt., the above same criteria was adopted for item analysis for the second draft of achievement tes in Englisht. After item analysis of second draft of achievement test in English, a total of 50 items were remained left for the final draft of achievement test in English. The reliability of final draft of achievement test was conducted on sample of 50 students of class 10th studying in Kendriya Vidyalaya, No 1, 2 and 3 Ambala Cantt. The test-retest reliability of the measure of achievement test was found to be 0.80. The Validity was established by content validity method.

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[Mehar, Dr. Ram, and Dr. Sonia Rani. "CONSTRUCTION AND STANDARDIZATION OF ACHIEVEMENT TEST IN ENGLISH." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 2, no. 12, Dec. 2017, pp. 5823-5838. Accessed Dec. 2017.]

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