International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Mohamed Salah Mohamed, Prof. Mohamed Samantar, Prof. willy muturi

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Mohamed Salah Mohamed, Prof. Mohamed Samantar, Prof. willy muturi
School of Communication and Development Studies, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

Mohamed, Mohamed Salah, et al. "FACTORS AFFECTING TO LOCAL INTEGRATION FOR INTERNALLY DISPLACED PERSONS IN GAROWE, SOMALIA." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 3, no. 4, Apr. 2018, pp. 1433-1481, Accessed 2018.
Mohamed, M., Samantar, P., & Muturi, P. (2018, April). FACTORS AFFECTING TO LOCAL INTEGRATION FOR INTERNALLY DISPLACED PERSONS IN GAROWE, SOMALIA. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 3(4), 1433-1481. Retrieved from
Mohamed, Mohamed Salah, Prof. Mohamed Samantar, and Prof. willy Muturi. "FACTORS AFFECTING TO LOCAL INTEGRATION FOR INTERNALLY DISPLACED PERSONS IN GAROWE, SOMALIA." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research3, no. 4 (April 2018), 1433-1481. Accessed , 2018.

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Local integration is regarded as one of three durable solution (Jeff Crisp 2004) choices for achieving sustainable settlement to internal displacement. However, this useful choice has received much less attention from external and internal actors involved in support to IDP issues than return and repatriation (IDMC 2013). One of the reasons is due to its large-scale budget requirement. There is growing evidence (UNHCR 2008) about the negative implications of extended IDP hosting in the world. Local integration is achieved (IASC 2000) when internally displaced persons access opportunities same as local community without discrimination on account of their displacement. Number of initiatives for Local integration for IDPs has failed with no productive long-term solution that presents an alternative solution to integrated families. Thus, not all basic needs of locally integrated persons were covered throughout the process of integration. This study focused on the factors affecting local integration of IDPs into local community in Garowe. The purpose of the study was to examine underlying issues to local integration for Internally Displaced Persons in Garowe, Puntland with specific focus on Security, Economical and Clan structure affect into the process of the local integration for IDPs in Garowe. A review of related literature was done based on these factors. Local integration is a multifaceted process that requires any of its study to consider various aspect including economic, social and cultural dimensions. It imposes considerable demands on both the individual and the receiving society. In many cases, acquiring the full acceptance of the particular community is the triggering point of this process. The study uses both primary and secondary data analysis. This research project has developed Questionnaire to collect data (both in qualitative and quantitative). The research used a descriptive survey design in order to study the impediment to local integration for IDPs in Garowe. The target location of the research was Shabelle IDPs section within Jawle settlement in Garowe, Somalia which accommodates a total of 600 households. According to the sample size and sample frame, there were 63 questionnaires that was used. 60 were for the IDPs and 3 for the key informants. The research relied on both qualitative and quantitative data. The main findings of the research highlighted the fact that majority of IDP fled to Puntland before 2007 during the times when clan conflicts in Central and South Somalia was its highest peak. The majority of the respondents disagreed that income is the main factor for local integration. The interview with local community leaders found out that Somalia social network is the defecto power to accept or rejects outsiders; therefore, without their acceptance government support may not be enough. IDP communities do not share intermarriage and other cross-cultural values that both communities can make a reliable coexistence. The study established that there were a high number of respondents who feel security factor has very little influence to their local integration. However, the community committee key interview indicated that there are arbitrary arrests targeted to the young male IDPs by the police who claim that they are suspected of having link with Al-shabaab terrorists. From the conclusion of the study, it appears that clan is the major affect hindering local integration for IDPs. The role the government support system is unoccupied. In addition, in the absence of clan protection and support, IDPs belonging to non-majority groups are vulnerable to human rights violations. It is recommended that Puntland government to put forth an implementation of the IDP policy to address clan affects to the local integration process for IDPs in Garowe. The government to provide strategic framework that facilitates host community to closely cooperate with IDP leaders and establish reliable coexistence between the two communities. The study recommends that skills empowerment to be considered towards improving the livelihood of the IDPs. Skill empowerment fills the gap which will improve the desire of many IDPs to seek local integration.

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