International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Dr. Priyadarshi Biswal, Dr. Rajesh Kumar Panda

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1Dr. Priyadarshi Biswal, 2Dr. Rajesh Kumar Panda
1Associate Professor, Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, Odisha, India
2Assistant Professor, Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, Odisha, India

Biswal, Dr. Priyadarshi, and Dr. Rajesh Kumar Panda. "SOCIAL IMPACT OF SOCIAL MEDIA: A PERIODIC CASE STUDY ON FACEBOOK." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 3, no. 4, Apr. 2018, pp. 1482-1489, Accessed 2018.
Biswal, D., & Panda, D. (2018, April). SOCIAL IMPACT OF SOCIAL MEDIA: A PERIODIC CASE STUDY ON FACEBOOK. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 3(4), 1482-1489. Retrieved from
Biswal, Dr. Priyadarshi, and Dr. Rajesh Kumar Panda. "SOCIAL IMPACT OF SOCIAL MEDIA: A PERIODIC CASE STUDY ON FACEBOOK." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 3, no. 4 (April 2018), 1482-1489. Accessed , 2018.

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Although social media is radically changing social practices, one thing that is changing is the extent to which our social practices are recorded. Most of our social interactions were undocumented and private, but it is increasingly not the case today when we interact with others through the Internet. We leave digital records behind companies like Facebook, Twitter, etc., and they create large databases that contain all kinds of information about our social behaviors. In fact, we are just starting to harness the power of information using online social network data to predict voting behavior, the spread of infectious diseases and many such activities. However, we would see a lot more of the same in the future using data from your social networks and behaviors to customize all kinds of experiences from targeted marketing and advertising to personalize web-browsing and even healthcare warnings and precautions informed to all through your online social interaction history. Let's hope that the rise of social media will help to remedy some long-standing gender and racial inequalities in the computing and information technology professions. Women and minorities have long been underrepresented in these fields, but as social media grow, so too make the demand for people trained in areas such as computational social science, digital humanities, health informatics and so on. This area draws attention from fields that have historically attracted women and minorities and let us hope the movement towards social computing will make information technology more inclusive in the future. Women and minorities have a lot to contribute, and having a population of technology producers that is more reflective of the community of technology users would be ideal for the socio-economic development. The objective of this research article is to understand the social impact of social media by a periodic case study on Facebook.

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