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Ghasi, Nwanneka .C. , Onyejiaku, Chinyere C. and Udeze, Chimezie C. G.

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Ghasi, Nwanneka .C.1 , Onyejiaku, Chinyere C.1 and Udeze, Chimezie C. G.2
1Department of Management, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus
2Department of Business Administration, Alex-Ekwueme Federal University, Ndufu-Alike Ikwo, Nigeria

C., Ghasi, Nwanneka, et al. "ECOPRENEURSHIP AND COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE OF SMALL AND MEDIUM SCALE ENTERPRISES (SMEs) IN ENUGU URBAN, ENUGU STATE NIGERIA." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 3, no. 4, Apr. 2018, pp. 1505-1530, Accessed 2018.
C., G., C., O., & C.G., U. (2018, April). ECOPRENEURSHIP AND COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE OF SMALL AND MEDIUM SCALE ENTERPRISES (SMEs) IN ENUGU URBAN, ENUGU STATE NIGERIA. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 3(4), 1505-1530. Retrieved from
C., Ghasi, Nwanneka, Onyejiaku, Chinyere C., and Udeze, Chimezie C.G. "ECOPRENEURSHIP AND COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE OF SMALL AND MEDIUM SCALE ENTERPRISES (SMEs) IN ENUGU URBAN, ENUGU STATE NIGERIA." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 3, no. 4 (April 2018), 1505-1530. Accessed , 2018.

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In today's business environment, the activities of small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria are not without some inhibiting problems emanating from various environmental factors which pose serious challenges to their operational capabilities, survival and performances. This study investigates how ecopreneurship practices influence the competitive activities of SMEs. The work among others things evaluate the impact of green products on the continued survival of SMEs business in Nigeria. It assesses the effect of environmental sustainability on indigenous SMEs business growth and as well determines the impact of eco-creativity and innovation on the competitive edge of SMEs. To achieve the spelt objectives, the study utilized survey design; and the sample size of 263 was obtained using Stat Trek's Sample Planning Wizard tool. The nonprobability convenience sampling technique was used for this study. The questionnaire was the primary source of data collection which was structured in four point likert scale and validated with face-to-face approach. The reliability was done using test split-half method. The result gave a reliability coefficient of 0.96 indicating a high degree of item consistency. Data was collected though a self-administered questionnaire. Out of 263 copies of questionnaire administered, 198 were returned and found good for analyses and respondents were manager/owners of selected SMEs in Enugu Urban, Enugu State Nigeria. Hypotheses formulated were tested using z-test and regression analysis test. Findings from the study revealed that green products have a positive impact on the continued survival of SMEs business (z = 6.119 > at p< 0.05), environmental sustainability positively affects the indigenous SMEs growth (R** calc = 0.711 > at p< 0.05) and that eco-creativity and innovation have positive impact on the competitive edge of SMEs over rival firms (z = 9.181 > at p< 0.05). The study concludes that green product is the best tactic for sustaining operational survival of SMEs and they would continue to enjoy competitive advantage against rival firms if they imbibe the tools of eco-creativity and innovation. The work among other things, recommends that academics, entrepreneurs, and government entities should work together to expand research, publications, and other initiatives to promote ecopreneurship. Again, environmental entrepreneurs must destroy the old practices and create new products, technologies, etc., to solve our environmental problems.

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