International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Michael N. Elonge

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Michael N. Elonge
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources - Extension, University of Maryland, College Park, USA

Elonge, Michael N. "MODERATION ANALYSIS OF BASIC ECONOMICS AND TEACHER CLASSROOM INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP ON STUDENT LEARNING BEHAVIOR CHANGE." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 3, no. 4, Apr. 2018, pp. 1580-1594, Accessed 2018.
Elonge, Michael N. "MODERATION ANALYSIS OF BASIC ECONOMICS AND TEACHER CLASSROOM INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP ON STUDENT LEARNING BEHAVIOR CHANGE." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 3, no. 4 (April 2018), 1580-1594. Accessed , 2018.

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Students in inner-city urban communities are exposed to many economic activities that require basic economics reasoning in order to engage in the activities - luxury boutiques, retail stores, expensive cars, liquor stores, corner-stores, illegal drugs, guns and hoodlums. Yet, most innercity urban schools do not offer basic economics education as a standalone course to students in elementary and middle schools. Lack of basic economics education in a volatile inner-city environment, positions students to bad economic judgements. This study examined the moderation effect of basic economics education and teacher classroom instructional leadership on student learning behavior change. 216 elementary and middle school students from a metropolitan inner-city schools in North East, USA were participants in the basic economics study. A 5-point Likert Scale questionnaire was used to capture data from pre and post basic economics study. Data collected was analyzed using Process moderation analysis in SPSS. The result of the study finds that basic economics education has a significant effect in moderating the relationship between teacher classroom instructional leadership and student learning behavior. The study was limited to a few inner-city schools, and high school students were not included in the study and as such, the findings cannot be generalized to rural schools and high schools. The implication is that basic economics is the underpinning of everyday activity in the neighborhood, environment of economy. Basic economics concepts are valuable, practicable and applicable at every moment in the economy and as such, students need to learn economics.

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