International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Dr. Inderpal Singh, Parmod Sharma

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1Dr. Inderpal Singh, 2Parmod Sharma
1Associate Professor, KCLIMT Jalandhar, Punjab, India.
2Research Scholar, IKG-PTU, Assistant Professor, Lyallpur Khalsa College, Jalandhar, Punjab, India.

Singh, Dr. Inderpal, and Parmod Sharma. "A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF CSR ACTIVITIES OF SELECTED INDIAN BANKING COMPANIES." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 3, no. 5, May 2018, pp. 1697-1719, Accessed 2018.
Singh, D., & Sharma, P. (2018, May). A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF CSR ACTIVITIES OF SELECTED INDIAN BANKING COMPANIES. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 3(5), 1697-1719. Retrieved from
Singh, Dr. Inderpal, and Parmod Sharma. "A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF CSR ACTIVITIES OF SELECTED INDIAN BANKING COMPANIES." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 3, no. 5 (May 2018), 1697-1719. Accessed , 2018.

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The term Corporate Social Responsibility refers to the manner in which a business house responds to emerging societal priorities and expectations and creates an overall positive image in the society. With the passage of time initiatives taken by business houses relating to CSR are increasing at greater velocity. After the New Company Act 2013, corporate social responsibility has become commonly used concept. Corporate social responsibility initiatives and significance of vital components of CSR of an industry are different from another; due to this one industry feel more answerable for ecological issues while other industry may be desirous to spend in societal issues. The present paper attempts to explore the importance of corporate social responsibility in Indian Banking industry, major CSR areas of banking companies and responsiveness of selected banking companies towards their social responsibilities. The present paper focuses on Corporate Social Responsibility practices and areas of major CSR spending by 10 selected banking companies from Indian banking sectors during 2016-17. Content analysis and empirical analysis methodology was done with the objective of examining the CSR expenditure disclosures from the annual financial reports. Various Corporate Social Responsibility related reports, i.e., directors' report, chairman's report and sustainability reports given in the annual financial reports of the selected corporate houses in the financial year 2016- 2017 were analyzed in detail for the study. The study disclosed that banking companies feel more accountable for communal issues and financial inclusion is fundamental part to fulfil their social responsibilities and ecological issues remain unaddressed by most of them. It may be possible because banking companies does not damage environment directly. It is also observed that contribution made by selected banking companies for CSR activities is less than the recommended budget.

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