International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Sali Bakare

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Sali Bakare
University of the People, Business Administration Division

Bakare, Sali. "ATTRACTING, RECRUITING, AND RETAINING SKILLED WORKERS IN RETAIL ORGANIZATIONS." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 3, no. 5, May 2018, pp. 1745-1755, Accessed 2018.
Bakare, S. (2018, May). ATTRACTING, RECRUITING, AND RETAINING SKILLED WORKERS IN RETAIL ORGANIZATIONS. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 3(5), 1745-1755. Retrieved from
Bakare, Sali. "ATTRACTING, RECRUITING, AND RETAINING SKILLED WORKERS IN RETAIL ORGANIZATIONS." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 3, no. 5 (May 2018), 1745-1755. Accessed , 2018.

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Attracting, recruiting, and retaining skilled workers have been a phenomenon for the past decade in retail organizations. This challenge may have a lot to do with the society's perceived negative reputation stigma of retail careers. The society is also unaware of the multi-directional career path opportunities that retail management jobs have to offer. People who secure their entry-level positions in retail leave for another industry after 6 months to 1 year because of the belief that retail career is not as prestigious as other business careers such as accounting and finance. High turnover has increased labor costs for retailers; the cost of replacing a trained worker is over $10,000. In the US, the retail industry controls 20% of the national workforce. For these reasons, high turnover and low retention rates in the retail industry should be a national concern. Therefore, retailers should be enlightened on how to improve the industry's image and attract and retain potential skilled workers in the industry. The research indicated that if retailers collaborated with recruiters and educators to showcase what retailers have to offer skilled workers, negative perception about retail careers may be mitigated if not eliminated. Retail organizational leaders could apply the recommendations in this study to develop better recruitment, turnover, and retention strategies to reduce the employee turnover and retention dilemma the industry is facing. Reduced turnover rate may lead to the possibility of low labor costs, increased organization profits, increased employment opportunities for skilled workers, and sustainability for retailers.

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