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Rajyasri Roy, Purnendu Modak

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1Rajyasri Roy, 2Purnendu Modak
1Ph.D Research Scholar, Department of Economics, Jadavpur University, India Address of the workplace: 188, Raja S.C. Mallik Road, Kolkata-700032
2Ph.D Research Scholar, Department of Economics, University of Calcutta. Address of the workplace: University of Calcutta, 56 A, B.T. Road, Kolkata-700050

Roy, Rajyasri, and Purnendu Modak. "AN ANALYSIS OF POVERTY AND JOB INSECURITY AMONG THE FORMAL AND INFORMAL WORKERS IN INDIAN LABOR MARKET." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 3, no. 5, May 2018, pp. 2173-2194, Accessed 2018.
Roy, R., & Modak, P. (2018, May). AN ANALYSIS OF POVERTY AND JOB INSECURITY AMONG THE FORMAL AND INFORMAL WORKERS IN INDIAN LABOR MARKET. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 3(5), 2173-2194. Retrieved from
Roy, Rajyasri, and Purnendu Modak. "AN ANALYSIS OF POVERTY AND JOB INSECURITY AMONG THE FORMAL AND INFORMAL WORKERS IN INDIAN LABOR MARKET." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 3, no. 5 (May 2018), 2173-2194. Accessed , 2018.

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This paper aims to investigate incidence of poverty and that of job insecurity among formal and informal workers as well as determinants of poverty using 61st and 68th round National Sample Survey data on Employment and Unemployment for 2004-05 and 2011-12 respectively. In order to investigate whether poverty of the worker can be linked with the type of employment (i.e. formal/informal) and availability of written job contracts controlling personal characteristics of the worker we have used logistic regression model. Availability of written job contract has been considered as a proxy of the job security. The novelty of this paper is that here informal workers are identified as those workers who are deprived of any type of social security benefits and incidence of poverty and job insecurity of those workers have been measured. The results show that although incidence of poverty among the informal worker was higher than the formal worker during both the period, but percentages of poor informal workers in both rural and urban area reduced while incidence of poverty among the rural formal workers increased overtime. Besides, job security of both the formal and informal workers increased overtime. Logistic regression results show that compared to the formal workers, informal workers have ninety one percent higher chances of remaining impoverished and workers without written job contract face seventy eight percent higher chances of remaining poverty stricken than those with long term written job contract.

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