International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Dr. Nischay Kr. Upamannyu, Dr. Shilpa Sankpal, Mr. Akshay Kothari, Ms. Aditi Pipraiya

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1Dr. Nischay Kr. Upamannyu, 1Dr. Shilpa Sankpal, 2Mr. Akshay Kothari, 2Ms. Aditi Pipraiya
1Assistant Professor in PIMG
2Student of PIMG

Upamannyu, Nischay K., et al. "THE ROLE OF SWITCHING COST AS MODERATOR TOWARD CUSTOMER PERCEIVED VALUE, CUSTOMER SATISFACTION & CUSTOMER LOYALTY: THE STUDY OF ONLINE SHOPPING IN INDIA." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 3, no. 1, Jan. 2018, pp. 218-242, Accessed 2018.
Upamannyu, N. K., Sankpal, S., Kothari, A., & Pipraiya, A. (2018, January). THE ROLE OF SWITCHING COST AS MODERATOR TOWARD CUSTOMER PERCEIVED VALUE, CUSTOMER SATISFACTION & CUSTOMER LOYALTY: THE STUDY OF ONLINE SHOPPING IN INDIA. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 3(1), 218-242. Retrieved from
Upamannyu, Nischay K., Shilpa Sankpal, Akshay Kothari, and Aditi Pipraiya. "THE ROLE OF SWITCHING COST AS MODERATOR TOWARD CUSTOMER PERCEIVED VALUE, CUSTOMER SATISFACTION & CUSTOMER LOYALTY: THE STUDY OF ONLINE SHOPPING IN INDIA." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 3, no. 1 (January 2018), 218-242. Accessed , 2018.

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The term online shopping has now been placed as the first choice in the minds of youth in India due to available wide ranges with very lucrative offers for the prospective customers. That are available only on e-commerce platforms. Therefore, new e-commerce businesses have also been coming to grab this lucrative available opportunity to develop their business. Hence, opportunities now have been converted into cutthroat competition. The current study throws light on the behavior of customers who usually like to do shopping by e-commerce platforms. The main aims of The current study is to investigate the relationship between Perceived value of customers and its result as customer satisfaction and customer loyalty and mean while to evaluate the role of switching cost as moderator. Total Population of the current study was five hundred seven those who usually and frequently like to buy product through online using ecommerce sites. Hierarchical regression method was applied to develop the relationship between perceived value and customer loyalty with switching cost as moderator. Result indicating that there is significant relationship between perceived value and customer loyalty but as the relationship is established between moderation of perceived value and switching cost on customer loyalty then, the loyalty become weak. The result of present study also indicating that if the relationship is established between customer perceived value and customer satisfaction so very strong relationship is found between these two variable but as switching cost is used as moderator along with perceived value on customer satisfaction so the relationship between moderation (perceived value and customer satisfaction) on customer satisfaction become very weak and it indicates that youth are very much sensitive for online shopping.

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