[1]. Quoted by K.M. Patra, P. 305, Despatch from Court of Directors, December 14, 1842,
[2]. BRP No. 87 of 20th February 1840, Mills to Secretary to Government of Bengal.
[3]. Bd. Prod. Rev (OSA Acsn. 83) AJM Mills to Government, September 30, 1839.
[4]. Head Book of Records (OSA P. 97). AJM Mills, Settlement Memorandum of September
25, 1844.
[5]. Bd. Procd. Rev. (OSA Ascn 87) AJM Mill's to Secretary to Judicial Department,
February 20, 1840.
[6]. Ibid. AJM Mills to Secretary to Government, Judicial Department, January 21, 1839.
[7]. Ibid. Secretary to Government to AJM Mills, October 14, 1840.
[8]. Ibid. (OSA, Acsn 93) AJM Mills to Magistrate of Cuttack, April 27, 1840.
[9]. Ibid. (OSA, Acsn 97) Secretary to Government to AJM Mills, May 19, 1840.
[10]. Hand Book of Records (OSA) P. 97, AJM Mills Settlement Memorandum, Septembe 25,
[11]. S.L. Maddox, Annual Report on the Survey and Settlement of the Province of Orissa, V.I,
P. 410.
[12]. Bd. Procd. Rev. (OSA Acsn 97) Secretary to Govt. to AJM Mills, November 6, 1840.