[1]. Quoted by K.K. Mathew, "The Nature and Scope of the Right to Know in a Democratic
Republic", S.C.C., 1979, Journal Section, p.19.
[2]. Maneka Gandhi v. Union of India, (1978), SCC 248; AIR 1978 SC 597.
[3]. International Commission of Jurists, Freedom of Information Survey ,International Commission of Jurists: Nairobi,
2006,p. 1 (Noting that the right to know is useful "tool for fighting corruption and waste of public resources")
[4]. ( accessed on 25.5.2018)
[5]. Roger Vluegels, "Overview of all FOI Laws", Fringe Special ,2011, available at: (accessed
on 02-05-2018). See also, Ackerman and Sandoval-Ballesteros, "The Global Explosion of Freedom of Information
Laws" 58 Adm. L. Rev. 85(2006). Also see, Law Commission of India Report No.275,p.38
[6]. General Comment No. 34 of the UNHRC, CCPR/C/GC/34, para. 18, available at: ( accessed on 21-05-2018). Report of the Special
Rapporteur, Mr. Abid Hussain, pursuant to Commission on Human Rights resolution 1993/45 E/CN.4/1995/32,
para. 135, available at: https://documents ( accessed on 21-05-2018).
[7]. Report of Special Rapporteur on Promotion and Protection of the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression,
A/70/361, para. 6, available at:
( accessed on 22-05-2018)
[8]. Report prepared by Article 19 (a British human rights organisation), titled "Open Development: Access to
Information and the Sustainable Development Goals", available at:
at 6-9 (accessed on 21-
[9]. U.N. Doc. CCPR/C/90/D/1173/2003, Communication No. 1173/2003, Abdelhamid Benhadjand Ali Benhadj v.
Algeria, available at: (accessed
on 02-05-2018); See also, U.N. Doc. CCPR/C/64/D/628/1995, Communication No. 628/1995, Tae Hoon Park v.
Republic of Korea, available at: (accessed on 02-05-2018).
[10]. Mark .G.Yudof, ' When Govt speaks: Politics, law, and govt, expression \ Uni. of California Press, 1983, p.24.
[11]. Tsuri, Kotaro (2003). Transparency of Government (Part 1) - Breakthrough for Reforming the Shape of a Nation.
[13]. Lucas Powe, The Forth Estate and the Constitution: Freedom of the Press in America, 1991, p.256 ,University of
California Pres: Berkeley.
Available at
(accessed on 25.6.2018)
[14]. Abhishek Malhotra and Gaurav Aggarwal, " Technology & Jurisprudence", Central India Law quarterly, 1998, p.