International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Mohamed Musthafa KT

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Mohamed Musthafa KT
PhD Research Scholar, UGC Center for Study of Indian Diaspora, University of Hyderabad, Telangana, India

KT, Mohamed Musthafa. "RETURN MIGRATION AS AN INEVITABLE SIDE OF THE KERALA GULF MIGRATION: THROUGH THE RETURN MIGRATION OF THE GULF MALAYALEE." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 3, no. 7, July 2018, pp. 3090-3100, Accessed 2018.
KT, M. (2018, July). RETURN MIGRATION AS AN INEVITABLE SIDE OF THE KERALA GULF MIGRATION: THROUGH THE RETURN MIGRATION OF THE GULF MALAYALEE. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 3(7), 3090-3100. Retrieved from
KT, Mohamed Musthafa. "RETURN MIGRATION AS AN INEVITABLE SIDE OF THE KERALA GULF MIGRATION: THROUGH THE RETURN MIGRATION OF THE GULF MALAYALEE." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 3, no. 7 (July 2018), 3090-3100. Accessed , 2018.

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Migration is not a new process. It is the movement of people from one place to another. Often migration is not permanent shifting from one place to another. Kerala Gulf migration is example of it. GCC countries (United Arab Emirates, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Sultanate of Oman, Kuwait, Qatar and Bahrain) did not encourage citizenship for foreigners. So the migrants of the GCC Countries from Kerala have to return today or tomorrow. This paper is mainly discusses about the return migration as a by-product of Kerala Gulf migration and historical view of Kerala migration in general and Kerala Gulf migration in particular. It also emphasises on past and present scenario of return migration from Gulf countries to Kerala state.

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