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Zahron Helmy, Yoyon Haryanto

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1Zahron Helmy, 1Yoyon Haryanto
1Agricultural Extension Officer - Ministry of Agriculture Indonesia

Helmy, Zahron, and Yoyon Haryanto. "AGRICULTURE EXTENSION IN THE ERA OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 3, no. 7, July 2018, pp. 3343-3356, Accessed July 2018.
Helmy, Z., & Haryanto, Y. (2018, July). AGRICULTURE EXTENSION IN THE ERA OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 3(7), 3343-3356. Retrieved from
Helmy, Zahron, and Yoyon Haryanto. "AGRICULTURE EXTENSION IN THE ERA OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 3, no. 7 (July 2018), 3343-3356. Accessed July, 2018.

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Agriculture extension of the new era has come because the need of participatory approach starting of the identification of problems, planning, implementation until the evaluation phase. the research method is descriptive use data of 2013 to 2018 related to agricultural extension in indonesia. it was concluded, agricultural extensionist in the era of information technology must have advantage to support the role as agents of change in the rural areas. Strategies to achieve these goals: first, change the conventional agricultural extensionist as a consultant able to analyze the potential of agriculture, open up opportunities for agribusiness, and play an active role in the agricultural business. second, the center of modern agricultural extension as information and innovation center based on technology and internet. third, encourage and accelerate the economic institutional of farmers with business orientation, and entrepreneurial skills. The three transformation prerequisites are met became the breakthrough for developing online agriculture extension as an effort to revitalize the function of agricultural extension services to provide information, education and support the farmers decision-making process. Therefore, the conventional agricultural extension paradigm should change immediately in the era of information technology, and leaving the old patterns of government or top down, as a driver of agricultural extension.

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