International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Ait Maryani and Dedy Kusnadi

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Ait Maryani and Dedy Kusnadi
Lecturer of Bogor Agricultural Extension Collage - Ministry of Agriculture Indonesia

Kusnadi, Ait Maryani and Dedy. "STRENGTHENING THE ROLE OF PROGRESSIVE FARMERS IN DEVELOPING YOUNG FARMERS AT SUKABUMI, INDONESIA." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 3, no. 7, July 2018, pp. 3597-3609, Accessed July 2018.
Kusnadi, A. (2018, July). STRENGTHENING THE ROLE OF PROGRESSIVE FARMERS IN DEVELOPING YOUNG FARMERS AT SUKABUMI, INDONESIA. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 3(7), 3597-3609. Retrieved from
Kusnadi, Ait Maryani and Dedy. "STRENGTHENING THE ROLE OF PROGRESSIVE FARMERS IN DEVELOPING YOUNG FARMERS AT SUKABUMI, INDONESIA." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 3, no. 7 (July 2018), 3597-3609. Accessed July, 2018.

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The aim of this research was to analyze the role of progressive farmers in developing young agricultural actors, to analyze the dominant factors that influence the role of progressive farmers in developing young farmers, and to formulate strategies for the role of progressive farmers in developing young farmers. The study was conducted in Sukabumi from June to October 2017. The design of this study was quantitative research with survey approach. The study sample was 65 people from a population of 184 progressive farmers fostered by the Food Security Office of Sukabumi Regency. Samples were obtained through proportional random sampling technique. Data collection was done using interview guidance. Research variables consist of the characteristics of progressive farmers, community social capital, the role of progressive farmers and the growth of young farmers. This research data consists of primary data and secondary data. Data processing techniques using descriptive statistical analysis and path analysis. The results of the study show the role of progressive farmers as a whole in the category of being able to grow young farmers. Factors that have a strong influence on the implementation of the role of progressive farmers in providing guidance to young farmers are the internal characteristics of the progressive farmers themselves, namely the position in the farmer community, education, communication skills, ability to motivate and own a business in agriculture. The strategy of strengthening the role of progressive farmers is done through optimizing the characteristics of progressive farmers to organize extension from farmers to farmers.

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