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1. Research Scholar, Department of Geography, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh (India)
2. Research Scholar, Department of Geography, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh (India)
MLA 8 RAHMAN, MD MOTIBUR, and RUMANA KHATUN. "A SPATIO-TEMPORAL ANALYSIS OF VOTER TURNOUT IN THE ASSEMBLY ELECTIONS IN WEST BENGAL (2006-2016): A STUDY IN ELECTORAL GEOGRAPHY." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 3, no. 8, Aug. 2018, pp. 3804-3828, ijsser.org/more2018.php?id=265. Accessed Aug. 2018.
APA RAHMAN, M., & KHATUN, R. (2018, August). A SPATIO-TEMPORAL ANALYSIS OF VOTER TURNOUT IN THE ASSEMBLY ELECTIONS IN WEST BENGAL (2006-2016): A STUDY IN ELECTORAL GEOGRAPHY. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 3(8), 3804-3828. Retrieved from ijsser.org/more2018.php?id=265
Chicago RAHMAN, MD MOTIBUR, and RUMANA KHATUN. "A SPATIO-TEMPORAL ANALYSIS OF VOTER TURNOUT IN THE ASSEMBLY ELECTIONS IN WEST BENGAL (2006-2016): A STUDY IN ELECTORAL GEOGRAPHY." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 3, no. 8 (August 2018), 3804-3828. Accessed August, 2018. ijsser.org/more2018.php?id=265.
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Abstract: India is the largest democracy in the world. Democracy is a social philosophy and the most
geographic form of government wherein people have the power to make decision about issues of
politics and also they chose their representative. The paper attempts to study a spatio-temporal
analysis of voter turnout in the West Bengal assembly elections from 2006 to 2016. Electoral
geography is relatively a very later emerging field of research in geography and remained as the
sub-field of political geography. It is the study of geographical aspects of organization,
management and the result of elections. Voting turnout means the percentage of eligible voters
who cast a ballot in an election. Voting turnout is measured as the percentage of registered voters
in a constituency (a geographical area) who actually exercise their voting right at time of
election. So, it is clear that identification of the spatial pattern and trends of voter turnout can be
used as an effective tool to assess the level of political awareness in a region. The study analyze
spatial and changing pattern of voter turnout and find out the impact of socio-economic variables
on voter turnout. The present study is conducted in West Bengal assembly election (2006-2016).
West Bengal is one of the most densely populated states of India and located in the eastern part
of the country. The entire study is based on secondary source of data. The electoral data have
been collected from Election commission of India, New Delhi, Chief Electoral officer, Kolkata,
CSDS (Centre for the study of Developing Societies). All the analysis is done through various
statistical techniques like mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, correlation.
Choropleth maps are used to depict the spatial distribution of different levels of voting and
spatial variation of voting turnout is depicted in the form of Z-scores of percent votes polled. It
finds out that 2011 assembly election has been recorded highest voter turnout, the south western
part of the state has concentrated high change of voter turnout and low change of voter turnout
has been found in southern and south-east part of the state. It shows increase trend of voter
turnout among female electorate from 2006 to 2016 assembly elections. Several socio-economic variables i.e. agricultural labourers, agricultural workers, electorate density, sex ratio, rural
population and SC population are strong positively associated with voter turnout during all study
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