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Dr. Soumita Chakraborty

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Dr. Soumita Chakraborty
Assistant Professor (Economics), Dev Samaj College for Women, Sector 45B, Chandigarh

Chakraborty, Dr. Soumita. "FDI INFLOW AND ENTREPRENEURIAL GROWTH IN INDIA: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 3, no. 8, Aug. 2018, pp. 3829-3849, Accessed Aug. 2018.
Chakraborty, D. (2018, August). FDI INFLOW AND ENTREPRENEURIAL GROWTH IN INDIA: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 3(8), 3829-3849. Retrieved from
Chakraborty, Dr. Soumita. "FDI INFLOW AND ENTREPRENEURIAL GROWTH IN INDIA: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 3, no. 8 (August 2018), 3829-3849. Accessed August, 2018.

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Starting with the Import Substitution Industrialisation (ISI) model of the early years, a number of distinct phases can be identified in the economic policy framework in India, as far as FDI is concerned. This paper attempts to explore empirically the relationship between growing FDI inflow and entrepreneurial development in India during 2001-15. The study shows that increasing FDI inflow in India could not significantly influence entrepreneurial growth in the country. The empirical analysis exhibits that though there is a significant rise in new business density of firms during the study period, both the rate of self employment as well as total early stage entrepreneurial activity show no significant correlation with FDI inflow during this period. It is also observed that rising FDI inflow could not make any major changes in entrepreneurial attitudes and behaviour during these years especially in terms of R&D expenditure for innovation. It is also revealed that entrepreneurship growth in India is still male dominated. Finally, the study reveals that though opportunity based entrepreneurship does not exhibit any definite trend the necessity driven entrepreneurship is on decline.

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