International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Dr. Neelakanta N.T.; Dr. Paramashivaiah P.; Dr. Ravindra Kumar B.

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1Dr. Neelakanta N.T.; 2Dr. Paramashivaiah P.; 3Dr. Ravindra Kumar B.
1. Assistant Professor, Department of Studies and Research in Economics, Tumkur University
2. Professor, Department of Studies and Research in Commerce, Tumkur University
3. Professor, Department of Studies and Research in Economics, Tumkur University

N.T., Dr. Neelakanta, et al. "DIFFUSION OF ICT IN SELECTED ASIAN COUNTRIES." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 3, no. 9, Sept. 2018, pp. 4796-4811, Accessed Sept. 2018.
N.T., D., P., D., & B, D. (2018, September). DIFFUSION OF ICT IN SELECTED ASIAN COUNTRIES. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 3(9), 4796-4811. Retrieved from
N.T., Dr. Neelakanta, Dr. Paramashivaiah P., and Dr. Ravindra Kumar B. "DIFFUSION OF ICT IN SELECTED ASIAN COUNTRIES." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research3, no. 9 (September 2018), 4796-4811. Accessed September, 2018.

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ICT is encased by a new vision of exchanging information across borders and creating the scope of unique form of human relationship. This may create space for more democratic and creative expansion, or indeed, have the reverse effect; depending on the relative economic, social and political power specific internet groups can harness to champion their grievances. Under this backdrop, the present paper examines the Diffusion of ICT in selected Asian countries during the digital era. Diffusion and in Asian countries, reveals that there is lot of effective efforts needed complete utilization of ICT for socio economic development. There is one major thing is to conclude that still there is lack of cooperation among the neighbourhood countries. It will adversely impact on the development of the ICT to encounter problems like poverty, illiteracy, health problems and so on.

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