International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Patrick Omutia Otulia

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Patrick Omutia Otulia
University of Nairobi, Kenya

Otulia, Patrick Omutia. "THE JOINT EFFECT OF ORGANIZATIONAL RESOURCES, VALUES SYSTEM, MANAGEMENT CAPABILITIES ON PERFORMANCE OF ISO CERTIFIED ORGANIZATIONS IN KENYA." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 3, no. 9, Sept. 2018, pp. 4871-4888, Accessed Sept. 2018.
Otulia, Patrick Omutia. "THE JOINT EFFECT OF ORGANIZATIONAL RESOURCES, VALUES SYSTEM, MANAGEMENT CAPABILITIES ON PERFORMANCE OF ISO CERTIFIED ORGANIZATIONS IN KENYA." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 3, no. 9 (September 2018), 4871-4888. Accessed September, 2018.

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ISO plays an important role in developing standards for both quality management and environmental management. However, ISO certified organizations in Kenya are faced with a challenge of having a comprehensive implementation guide, hence making it difficult for the organizations to operationalize resources more successfully. Due to lack of combination of various available resources, values system and management capabilities, organizations need to not only transform the whole system of management, but also have a comprehensive guide for practitioners. This research therefore, empirically examined the influence of organizational resources, values system and management capabilities on organizational performance. The research was guided by Total Quality Management (TQM) theory, as the anchor theory. The study adopted a positivism approach to philosophy and cross-sectional research design. The population of interest was all 1,060 ISO certified organizations accredited in Kenya from which a sample size of 401 organizations was drawn. Both primary and secondary data was collected by use of a questionnaire and available records respectively where a response rate of 90 percent was achieved. Data was then analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics to summarize data in an understandable way. The findings revealed a positive effect of values system and management capabilities on the relationship between organisation resources and organizational performance. Organizational resources had a negative but significant influence on organizational performance. This revelation seem to have new and unique contribution to the knowledge gap unlike most of the studies reviewed which indicated that organizational resources have positive contribution to organizational performance. The overall findings revealed a joint significant effect of organizational resources, values system and management capabilities collectively on organizational performance of ISO certified organizations in Kenya, providing support to extension of the multi-disciplinary theories. The study therefore recommends that there is need for the management of ISO certified organizations in Kenya to improve on their management capabilities and strengthen their values system as the study found that there was a positive relationship between management capabilities and values system on performance of ISO certified organizations in Kenya.

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