International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Dr. Meraj Ahmad Meraj

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Dr. Meraj Ahmad Meraj
Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic, Aliah University, Kolkata

Meraj, Dr. Meraj Ahmad. "THE NOTION OF KINSHIP IN ISLAM." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 3, no. 10, Oct. 2018, pp. 5708-5715, Accessed Oct. 2018.
Meraj, D. (2018, October). THE NOTION OF KINSHIP IN ISLAM. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 3(10), 5708-5715. Retrieved from
Meraj, Dr. Meraj Ahmad. "THE NOTION OF KINSHIP IN ISLAM." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 3, no. 10 (October 2018), 5708-5715. Accessed October, 2018.

[1]. Quran:23, 24
[2]. Quran: Luqman: 14
[3]. Al Bukhari: Kitab al Adab (Book of Good Manners and Form), chapter Compassion and Relations (5625), and Muslim: Kitab al Eman (Book of Faith), chapter Believing In God Is The Best Deed (137
[4]. Al Bukhari: Kitab al Jihad (Book of Fighting For The Cause Of Allah), chapter Fighting for the Cause of Allah with Filial Consent (2842), and Mulsim: Kitab Al-Birr Was-Salat-I-Wa>lAdab (The Book of Virtue, Good Manners and Joining of the Ties of Relationship) chapter Filial Obedience (2549), Ibn Hibbn (419
[5]. Ibn Majah: Kitab at-Tijaraat (Book of Trade), chapter What A Man Owns From His Son's Money (2291)
[6]. Sahih Ibn Hibban (Ibn Hibban's Sound Collection- 2142)
[7]. (Quran 17:23)
[8]. Tirmidthi, Hadith No. 1962
[9]. Muslim, Hadith no. 1003
[10]. Bukhari, Hadith no. 2227 and Muslim, Hadith no. 2584
[11]. Quran: 2: 233
[12]. Abu Dawood, no. 4948
[13]. Abu Dawood, no. 1692
[14]. Quran: Nisa Women: 36
[15]. Abu Dawood: Kitab Az-Zakat (Book of Almsgiving), chapter Silatur Rahim (1694), Ahmed (1680), Ibn Hibban (443), al Hakim (7265) and said: This is a right hadith
[16]. Quran: Muhammad: 22, 23
[17]. Al Bukhari: Kitab al Adab (Book of Good Manners and Form), chapter The Fault of Kith and Kin Severer (5638), and Muslim: Kitab al Adab (Book of Good Manners and Form), chapter Silatur Rahim and Prohibition of Cutting It Off (19)
[18]. Al Bukhari: Kitab al Adab (Book of Good Manners and Form), chapter Being Merciful Toward Peopleand Animals (5665), and Muslim: Kitab al Adab (Book of Good Manners and Form), chapter Believers>)
[19]. Quran4:1
[20]. Quran: 47:22-23
[21]. Tirmidthi, Hadith no. 2007
[22]. Bukhari, Hadith no. 5670
[23]. Tabrani, Hadith no. 1014

The Holy Quran as a book of guidance presents a living force manifest in every aspect of human life. It is a book that teaches human beings the eternal principles of mutual respect, honesty, justice and equality. The Quranic knowledge formulates definitive moral standards of excellence on account of its emphasis on the practical and utilitarian aspects of human life. Islam stresses the practical implications of this relationship and applies the moral criteria to the life ordinary human beings. Islam is the only philosophitical system that tackles the problems directly and handles the correlations between moral issue and their human repercussion without the least sense of evasion. The Quranic knowledge spells out suggestions and prescriptions to solve the problems. Bearing this in mind, the Quranic teachings are not only spiritual and intellectual necessity but also a social and universal need. It is not to bewilder man but to guide him. It is to open before him inexhaustible treasure of sound thinking and right action. The Holy Quran educates man and trains him in hope and patience, in love the right and good, in encourage and endurance, that are required for the mastery of the great art of living declaring his rights and responsibilities toward his fellow human beings. In this present paper, a humble attempt will be made to investigate the Quranic teachings regarding the rights and responsibilities of the fellow human beings particularly the rights of parents, kins and Neighbors. The present paper will also discuss applications of Islamic moral code in modern age.

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