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Helvi Yanfika , Siti Amanah , Anna Fatchiya , Pang S. Asngari

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Helvi Yanfika1 , Siti Amanah2 , Anna Fatchiya2 , Pang S. Asngari2
1Agriculture Faculty, University of Lampung
2Department of Communication Science and Community Development, Faculty of Human Ecology, Agricultural Institute of Bogor

Yanfika, Helvi, et al. "WORKER PERFORMANCE FROM PERSPECTIVE OF PROFIT, QUALITY AND WORK ACCURACY IN TRADITIONAL FISHERY BUSINESS IN LAMPUNG PROVINCE." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 3, no. 2, Feb. 2018, pp. 578-589, Accessed 2018.
Yanfika, H., Amanah, S., Fatchiya, A., & Asngari, P. S. (2018, February). WORKER PERFORMANCE FROM PERSPECTIVE OF PROFIT, QUALITY AND WORK ACCURACY IN TRADITIONAL FISHERY BUSINESS IN LAMPUNG PROVINCE. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 3(2), 578-589. Retrieved from
Yanfika, Helvi, Siti Amanah, Anna Fatchiya, and Pang S. Asngari. "WORKER PERFORMANCE FROM PERSPECTIVE OF PROFIT, QUALITY AND WORK ACCURACY IN TRADITIONAL FISHERY BUSINESS IN LAMPUNG PROVINCE." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 3, no. 2 (February 2018), 578-589. Accessed , 2018.

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The purposes of this study were to (1) analyze the performance of the profit, quality, and worker behavior in the traditional fishery business and; (2) analyze the factors affecting performance. The location of the research was conducted in three districts in Lampung Province, namely Tanggamus, Pringsewu and East Lampung. The research population was 570 traditional fishery workers (pemindangan, salting, fumigation and fermentation). The number of research samples was calculated by Slovin formula and obtained as many as 235 respondents. The number of respondents for each business unit was determined using proportional random sampling technique. Technical analysis of data using SPSS was multiple linear regression analysis. The variables in this research were motivation (X1) technical competence (X2), managerial competence (X3), social competence (X4), Performance of processor (Y). Field data were collected in July-September 2017. The results of this research were (1) Performance of processor when viewed from good profit perspective, especially in East Lampung, whereas in Kabupaten Tanggamus and Pringsewu still low, if seen from aspect of quality and work behavior worker in the three districts are good. Processing performance in Lampung Province seen from the aspect of profit was influenced by motivation and technical competence, quality and work behavior influenced by motivation, technical competence and social competence.

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