International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Hua Wang , Ivan Wen

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Hua Wang , Ivan Wen
School of Travel Industry Management, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2560 Campus Road, Honolulu, USA

Wang, Hua, and Ivan Wen. "IMPACTS OF EXTERNAL DRIVING FORCES ON TRAVEL MOTIVATIONS: A CASE STUDY OF CHINESE TOURISTS TO HAWAII." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 3, no. 11, Nov. 2018, pp. 6221-6244, Accessed Nov. 2018.
Wang, H., & Wen, I. (2018, November). IMPACTS OF EXTERNAL DRIVING FORCES ON TRAVEL MOTIVATIONS: A CASE STUDY OF CHINESE TOURISTS TO HAWAII. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 3(11), 6221-6244. Retrieved from
Wang, Hua, and Ivan Wen. "IMPACTS OF EXTERNAL DRIVING FORCES ON TRAVEL MOTIVATIONS: A CASE STUDY OF CHINESE TOURISTS TO HAWAII." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 3, no. 11 (November 2018), 6221-6244. Accessed November, 2018.

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This study applies the theory of pull factors as a basic theoretical framework to explore the motivational factors that drive and attract Chinese outbound tourists to travel to Hawaii. Primarily, questionnaire survey has been conducted to collect the primary data, and analytical methods including descriptive analysis, factor analysis and t test are utilized to understand factors related to push theory that have had significant influences on Chinese travelers to Hawaii. This study has identified five principal pull factor components representing: "destination core infrastructure functions", "easily accessible travel information", "leisure and outdoor activities" "destination shopping facilities" and "cultural and historical attractions". Such identifications have diversified the pull pool of travel motivations and more importantly, enabled an in-depth understanding of the major driving forces behind Chinese tourist's choice of Hawaii as a travel destination. Among these important pull factors, three top important pull motivational items are "safety and security of the destination" "natural scenery of the destination" and "environment and weather of the destination". Traveling far away from home, Chinese tourists seem to place an extremely high concern on their personal safety and security. When designing and introducing facilities and travel activities, local marketing organizations are advised to take consideration into and prioritize safety issues. In addition, out-of-date infrastructures that do not function and operate efficiently must be improved or even replaced to enhance easy accessibility and safety. Finally, this study summarizes the important findings and discusses the practical implications of these findings for the tourism industry in Hawaii. Limitations to the study are also presented and future studies recommended in the end of this paper.

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