International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Thi Quy Vo, Diem Phuong Dang

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1Thi Quy Vo, 2Diem Phuong Dang
1Assoc. Prof. of Finance, International University (VNU-HCM), Vietnam.
2MBA student of Business Administration, International University (VNU-HCM), Vietnam.

Vo, Thi Q., and Diem P. Dang. "CONSUMER ETHNOCENTRISM AND PURCHASE INTENTION TOWARDS FOREIGN PROCESSED FOODS: A CASE OF VIETNAM." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 3, no. 2, Feb. 2018, pp. 745-773, Accessed 2018.
Vo, T. Q., & Dang, D. P. (2018, February). CONSUMER ETHNOCENTRISM AND PURCHASE INTENTION TOWARDS FOREIGN PROCESSED FOODS: A CASE OF VIETNAM. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 3(2), 745-773. Retrieved from
Vo, Thi Q., and Diem P. Dang. "CONSUMER ETHNOCENTRISM AND PURCHASE INTENTION TOWARDS FOREIGN PROCESSED FOODS: A CASE OF VIETNAM." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 3, no. 2 (February 2018), 745-773. Accessed , 2018.

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This study investigated the impact of consumer ethnocentrism on purchase intention for foreign processed foods among Vietnamese consumers. Quantitative approach through direct distribution and online questionaire was conducted in Hochiminh city. A sample of 506 respondents who 've purchased processed food was collected by convenient and snowball techniques. several important results were indicated. Firstly, Vietnamese consumers are low ethnocentric and desire to exprience foreign produced products from Asia, US and EU nations. Secondly, five out of six proposed hypotheses was suppoted including: Consumer Ethnocentrism has a negative impact on Product Judgment towards foreigned processed food (H2), Country of Origin has a positive impact on Product Judgment towards foreigned processed food (H3), Consumer Ethnocentrism has a negative impact on Purchase Intention towards processed food (H4), Country of Origin has a positive impact on Puchase Intention towards foreign processed food (H5) and Product Judgment has a positive impact on Purchase Intention towards foreign processed food (H6). Notably, no correlation between Consumer Ethnocentrism and Country-of-Origin (H1) was founded in this study. Based on these results, foreign marketers should increase their interacting with vietnamese onsumer by running marketing program that help to gain consumer awareness of their country's image and link it with the products while local producers need to seriously follow quality control and maintain quality standards in production to build the belief of consumer for "made-in Vietnam" products insteads of tottally depending on the campaign "Vietnamese use Vietnamese products" promoted by the gorverment when many food scandals happened in current years.

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