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Shohani Upeksha Badullahewage

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Shohani Upeksha Badullahewage
Assistant Lecturer, Department of Economics, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Colombo, Sri Lanka

Badullahewage, Shohani Upeksha. ""IMPACT ASSESSMENT OF LABOR MIGRATION ON THE ECONOMY OF SRI LANKA"." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 3, no. 3, Mar. 2018, pp. 881-894, Accessed 2018.
Badullahewage, S. (2018, March). "IMPACT ASSESSMENT OF LABOR MIGRATION ON THE ECONOMY OF SRI LANKA". Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 3(3), 881-894. Retrieved from
Badullahewage, Shohani Upeksha. ""IMPACT ASSESSMENT OF LABOR MIGRATION ON THE ECONOMY OF SRI LANKA"." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research3, no. 3 (March 2018), 881-894. Accessed , 2018.

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Migration is known as the moving of people from one place to another place. Immigration is the act of coming to another country and settling there. Migration is taking place due to many reasons like seeking employment, social and political environmental changes and natural disasters, these different motives of migrations are happening throughout the world. Migration in the Asian region is high and the developing countries in the region are doing the migration at a higher level with view to seek jobs opportunities in other countries. There are counter benefits from migration for both host country and origin country. Through the migration process migrants and the origin country would be able to acquire comparative advantages in sharing the international knowledge and the man power services. It could be used for the development of the individuals and the development in the economy of the country. Migration would have direct and indirect economic benefits for Sri Lankan. Poverty of the country is reduced by some degree by stabilizing the effect of inward foreign remittances. It is effective to the macroeconomic level as well as the household income. Overseas migrations policy of Sri Lankan government have been able to secure and create more job opportunities for Sri Lankan women as housemaids to migrate for employments in the Middle East sector and for skilled men in South Korea and through other relationship channels for families to migrate to Italy and Australia.

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