International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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ABDINUR JAMA MOHAMUD, Prof.Willy Muturi, Prof. Mohamed S. Samantar

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ABDINUR JAMA MOHAMUD, Prof.Willy Muturi, Prof. Mohamed S. Samantar
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya

MOHAMUD, ABDINUR JAMA. "FACTORS INFLUENCING YOUTH PARTICIPATION IN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVES OF GAROWE DISTRICT." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 3, no. 3, Mar. 2018, pp. 1107-1145, Accessed 2018.
MOHAMUD, A. (2018, March). FACTORS INFLUENCING YOUTH PARTICIPATION IN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVES OF GAROWE DISTRICT. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 3(3), 1107-1145. Retrieved from
MOHAMUD, ABDINUR JAMA. "FACTORS INFLUENCING YOUTH PARTICIPATION IN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVES OF GAROWE DISTRICT." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 3, no. 3 (March 2018), 1107-1145. Accessed , 2018.

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In Africa, there is continuous push on the youth to be involved in community development Initiatives. This study is designed to identify the influence of Youth participation to their community development initiatives and how their active involvement in development initiatives can contribute towards community development in Garowe District. This study intends to establish how level of education among the youth, information accessibly and socio cultural perspectives of local community influences their participation in community development initiatives in Garowe. A review of literature was conducted to determine the existing knowledge gap concerning youth participation in community development initiatives. A descriptive research design was adopted in order to achieve the objectives of this study. Data was collected using structured questionnaire with a sample size of 96 being selected and 15 key informants was interviewed. Data cleaning, coding, and analysis was done using SPSS version 20. Pilot testing of the questionnaire was used to know whether the questions in the questionnaire are well framed, some errors in the question was replaced, research assistants was trained, the areas of the study of the research was used for pilot testing. Analysed data were presented using both descriptive and inferential analysis. Tables and figures were adopted during the presentation of analysed data Likert scale was also used. Findings revealed that educated youth are better empowered for participation in the community development initiatives, which means that there is close relationship between youth educational level and their contribution to the community development initiatives. The findings also revealed that youth need to gain vocational skills to find opportunities of involvement in the community development activities. The study sought to determine the extent of information accessibility to the youth participation and revealed that youth do not get that youth get awareness encouraging youth participation and that there are no informative channels promoting youth inclusion on community development opportunities which can hinder youth representation in community development activities. The study further sought to establish the extent in which socio cultural perspectives influences youth participation in community development initiatives and the analysed data indicated that both peer pressure and cultural perspectives have negative influence to the level of participation of youth to the community development initiatives. The study recommended that youth should consider education and improvement in their professional and vocational skills as an important ingredient towards their participation in community development initiatives. The government and the other stakeholders should work together in creating awareness and campaign that technical skills and knowledge are as important as office oriented skills that the youth prefer to technical skills. The government and other stakeholder should work together by creating information accessible environment that encourages transparent youth inclusion practices. Adults should respect and believe that young people have significant contributions to make in community development initiatives.

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