International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Vaishali Gupta, Dr. Trilochan Sharma

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1Vaishali Gupta, 2Dr. Trilochan Sharma
1. Research Scholar, Department of Commerce, CCS University Meerut, (UP)
2. Associate Professor, Department of Commerce, CCS University Meerut, (UP)

Gupta, Vaishali, and Dr. Trilochan Sharma. "CLUSTERING OF WORK-LIFE BALANCE PRACTICES: A STUDY OF EMPLOYEES WORKING WITH IT ORGANISATION." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 4, no. 4, Mar. 2019, pp. 1680-1695, Accessed Mar. 2019.
Gupta, V., & Sharma, D. (2019, March). CLUSTERING OF WORK-LIFE BALANCE PRACTICES: A STUDY OF EMPLOYEES WORKING WITH IT ORGANISATION. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 4(4), 1680-1695. Retrieved from
Gupta, Vaishali, and Dr. Trilochan Sharma. "CLUSTERING OF WORK-LIFE BALANCE PRACTICES: A STUDY OF EMPLOYEES WORKING WITH IT ORGANISATION." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 4, no. 4 (March 2019), 1680-1695. Accessed March, 2019.

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Service sector organization has witnessed a phenomenal growth over the past few decades. The growing competition, Extended working hours and work complexity are some of the issues that has become a big challenge before these organization. The continuous growing work pressure, high demanding jobs, use of sophisticated technology has made it difficult for employees to keep a balance between their job at work place and family responsibility. Maintaining the balance between work and family life has become the key issue before employees as well as organization as a whole. Several policy interventions are initiated by organization to manage the work life balance. Present research work focus on analyzing the factor of work life balance and clustering this policy initiative which is most suited for employees work life balance. In a survey of 163 employees associated with IT industry in NCR region, it was found that organizational factors are most effective in bringing work life balances. Some of the suggestion n the basis of study are also drawn and presented in the study.

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