International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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M. Nahid Sattar

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M. Nahid Sattar
Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh

Sattar, M. Nahid. "REFORMS IN THE RICE MARKET AND ITS IMPACT ON LIVELIHOODS, FOOD SECURITY, AND RESILIENCE TO SHOCKS: THE CASE OF BANGLADESH." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 4, no. 4, Apr. 2019, pp. 2950-2958, Accessed Apr. 2019.
Sattar, M. (2019, April). REFORMS IN THE RICE MARKET AND ITS IMPACT ON LIVELIHOODS, FOOD SECURITY, AND RESILIENCE TO SHOCKS: THE CASE OF BANGLADESH. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 4(4), 2950-2958. Retrieved from
Sattar, M. Nahid. "REFORMS IN THE RICE MARKET AND ITS IMPACT ON LIVELIHOODS, FOOD SECURITY, AND RESILIENCE TO SHOCKS: THE CASE OF BANGLADESH." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 4, no. 4 (April 2019), 2950-2958. Accessed April, 2019.


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The input and output markets of rice and some other agricultural commodities went through reforms from early 1980s to the mid-1990s. This paper discusses the trade reforms in rice supply chain and its impact on food security at the national level, and also at the micro level for three groups of stakeholders: farmers, agricultural wage labourers and rural consumers; as well as on the capacity of the economy to withstand shocks. The study shows that the reforms led to higher rice productivity, lower prices and better resilience to shocks from domestic natural disasters. However, the liberalization of input markets have made production costs susceptible to unfavourable changes in global prices and lesser government interventions in the rice market has weakened its position to prevent speculative actions. Also, it observed that dependence on the international market to support domestic requirements can make the country vulnerable to international shocks. The study concluded by saying that, although market liberalization has been beneficial for the country in many respects, attaining self-sufficiency in rice production should remain as a long term policy goal for Bangladesh.

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