International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Mohammad Alawin, Maher Al-Ghareeb and Yasmeen Al-Asad

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Mohammad Alawin, Maher Al-Ghareeb and Yasmeen Al-Asad
The University of Jordan

Alawin, Mohammad, et al. "ECONOMIC EFFECTS OF POLITICAL INSTABILITY IN THE MIDDLE EAST: A CASE STUDY OF JORDAN." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 4, no. 1, Jan. 2019, pp. 355-379, Accessed Jan. 2019.
Alawin, M., Al-Ghareeb, M., & Al-Asad, Y. (2019, January). ECONOMIC EFFECTS OF POLITICAL INSTABILITY IN THE MIDDLE EAST: A CASE STUDY OF JORDAN. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 4(1), 355-379. Retrieved from
Alawin, M., Al-Ghareeb, M., & Al-Asad, Y. (2019, January). ECONOMIC EFFECTS OF POLITICAL INSTABILITY IN THE MIDDLE EAST: A CASE STUDY OF JORDAN. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 4(1), 355-379. Retrieved from

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The study highlighted the impact of political shocks in the Middle East during the study period (2000-2016). It aimed at identifying the most important political shocks along with its economic dimensions by identifying the political scene in the Middle East during that period. The study proved that there is cointegration between Jordan and the countries under study (Syria, Iraq, Palestine, and Lebanon) according to the variables under study (growth, inflation, and investment). The main hypothesis of this study is to test the extent to which the Middle Eastern shocks have affected Jordan's economic variables. In order to achieve that goal, the study used different types of econometric tests. The results showed a causal relationship between growth in Jordan, Syria, and Palestine, i.e., growth in Jordan is one of the growth factors in these countries. In addition, the results indicate that there was an impact of shocks in the countries under study on the economic variables in Jordan.

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