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RAO, E. KRISHNA. "LAND QUESTION IN ANDHRA PRADESH: A STUDY OF DALITS STRUGGLE FOR LAND IN ANDHRA PRADESH." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 4, no. 6, June 2019, pp. 4171-4188, Accessed June 2019.
RAO, E. (2019, June). LAND QUESTION IN ANDHRA PRADESH: A STUDY OF DALITS STRUGGLE FOR LAND IN ANDHRA PRADESH. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 4(6), 4171-4188. Retrieved from
RAO, E. KRISHNA. "LAND QUESTION IN ANDHRA PRADESH: A STUDY OF DALITS STRUGGLE FOR LAND IN ANDHRA PRADESH." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 4, no. 6 (June 2019), 4171-4188. Accessed June, 2019.

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The Hindu social system is characterised by a rigid system of ascriptive hierarchy in which the existence of polarity, principles of purity and pollution, the social rank and social equality are determined and governed by the values of the Hindu social cultural system. Social inequality is a unique feature of the Indian society. The social discrimination is based on caste and there is inequality in all spheres between the higher and lower castes, between the land owning castes and the landess laboures. The Dalits are considered not only impure in terms of their occupations, their very existence, their dwellings, their movements and even their fall of shadow creates a state of impurity among all the upper castes throughout the country. As a consequence, these castes have remained socially, economically, culturally and educationally backward for several centuries. Due to the inhuman and ruthless practice of untouchablity by caste Hindus, dalits thought that unless they desert that exploitative order, there was no liberation for them. Then they started movement against the inhuman and antagonistic baseless caste system. The protest movements took strong roots in the nineteenth century, which is mostly concentrated on social issues than economic issues as social discrimination is most important. The movements, which were taken up related to the economic issues may not be neglesable, it also created awareness among the common people about the economic inequalities and the importance of land in the agrarian society.
In the post independence period the Indian government has taken several measures for the upliftment of Dalits and implemented land reforms to reduce the economic inequalities by the distribution of land. By these efforts, the mobility of the Dalits were to some extent was better when compare to the previous situation. The non-Brahmin upper castes became dominant in socio-economic and political fields with the effect of green revolution. This resulted in the attacks on Dalits in Karamchedu and Chundur incidents to retain their caste hegemony. With this situation once again the Dalits started their struggle against the upper castes for their self-respect over social discrimination and economic equality. It has become amply clear that no provisions of law were beneficial to the Dalits. Hence, Dalit organizations have taken land as a major issue and started struggles against government for equitable access of land. With this background the present paper would focus on the land struggles by the Dalits in the three different regions of Andhra Pradesh as they were unique in features- geographically, socially, economically and culturally.

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