International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Namita Kumari Das

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Namita Kumari Das
Assistant Professor in Psychology, Dhenkanal Autonomous College, Odisha.

Das, Namita Kumari. "EFFECT OF MEDITATION ON ACHIEVEMENT, ATTENTION & MEMORY OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 4, no. 6, June 2019, pp. 4409-4422, Accessed June 2019.
Das, N. (2019, June). EFFECT OF MEDITATION ON ACHIEVEMENT, ATTENTION & MEMORY OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 4(6), 4409-4422. Retrieved from
Das, Namita Kumari. "EFFECT OF MEDITATION ON ACHIEVEMENT, ATTENTION & MEMORY OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 4, no. 6 (June 2019), 4409-4422. Accessed June, 2019.

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This empirical study explored and found out effect of meditation on achievement (school examination marks, Odia language and arithmetic ability), attention and memory of high school students. Two hundred adolescent high school students, consisting of equal number of boys and girls, belonging to grade nine participated in the study that lasted for one academic session. The study adopted Solomon four-group design in which subjects were divided into four equal groups of 50 students each. Two groups participated in concentration meditation. While two groups, one participating in meditation and another which did not participate in meditation, were pre-tested, all the 4 groups were post tested using Odia language ability test, arithmetic test, test for span of attention and test of memory. The school examination marks of all participants were collected from school records. The data collected from all assessment tools were analysed with SPSS-20. The study proved that meditation could be effectively taught to adolescent high school students. The ANOVA calculated on the four groups found significant differences in post-test performance between the meditating and non-meditating groups. The result also established that pre-testing has impact as the meditating group with pre-testing showed better performance in post-testing among all the groups.

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