International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Rahmat Akbar, Mirza Tabrani, T. Meldi Kusuma

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Rahmat Akbar, Mirza Tabrani, T. Meldi Kusuma
Magister Management Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Syiah Kuala University Banda Aceh, Indonesia

Akbar, Rahmat, et al. "THE EFFECT OF CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT AND SERVICE QUALITY ON TRUST AND ITS IMPACT ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IN ACEH SYARIAH BANK." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 4, no. 6, June 2019, pp. 4487-4445, Accessed June 2019.
Akbar, R., Tabrani, M., & Kusuma, T. (2019, June). THE EFFECT OF CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT AND SERVICE QUALITY ON TRUST AND ITS IMPACT ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IN ACEH SYARIAH BANK. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 4(6), 4487-4445. Retrieved from
Akbar, Rahmat, Mirza Tabrani, and T. Meldi Kusuma. "THE EFFECT OF CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT AND SERVICE QUALITY ON TRUST AND ITS IMPACT ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IN ACEH SYARIAH BANK." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 4, no. 6 (June 2019), 4487-4445. Accessed June, 2019.


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The aims of the study is to determine the relationship between Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Service Quality on Trust and its impact on Customer satisfaction at PT. Bank Aceh Syariah. This research was conducted at PT. Bank Aceh Syariah Branch of Jantho. The object of this research were Customer Relationship Management, Service Quality, Trust and Customer satisfaction. The subjects of this study were customers of PT. Bank Aceh Syariah Branch Jantho. The population in this study were customers of the Bank which is 28-65 years old. Sampling method used is stratified random sampling. In this study the total indicators used were 42, then a sample of 210 samples was used. The outcome of research indicated that from the five hypotheses the direct influence developed in this study there was one hypothesis that did not have a significant effect, namely the influence of CRM on Customer Satisfaction. Estimated parameters for testing the effect of CRM on Customer Satisfaction show a smaller CR and P value than required. Thus it can be concluded that CRM that is run by PT. Bank Aceh Syariah Branch of Jantho does not give an influence on increasing customer satisfaction of PT. Bank Aceh Syariah Branch of Jantho.

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