International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Dr. Jyolsna. S, Dr. Shaijumon C.S

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1Dr. Jyolsna. S, 2Dr. Shaijumon C.S
1Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, NSS College, Pandalam, Pathanamthitta, Kerala.
2Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities, Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.

S, Dr. Jyolsna., and Dr. Shaijumon C.S. "SELF HELP GROUP BANK LINKAGE PROGRAMME AND THE EXTENT OF FINANCIAL INCLUSION OF THE SOCIALLY BACKWARD GROUPS." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 4, no. 6, June 2019, pp. 4558-4572, Accessed June 2019.
S, D., & C.S, D. (2019, June). SELF HELP GROUP BANK LINKAGE PROGRAMME AND THE EXTENT OF FINANCIAL INCLUSION OF THE SOCIALLY BACKWARD GROUPS. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 4(6), 4558-4572. Retrieved from
S, Dr. Jyolsna., and Dr. Shaijumon C.S. "SELF HELP GROUP BANK LINKAGE PROGRAMME AND THE EXTENT OF FINANCIAL INCLUSION OF THE SOCIALLY BACKWARD GROUPS." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research4, no. 6 (June 2019), 4558-4572. Accessed June, 2019.


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The major objective of the study is to analyze the influence of SHG Bank Linkage Programme on the extent of financial inclusion among Scheduled Caste (SC) population. It also aims to understand the influence of Self Help Groups (SHGs) on the Incidence of Informal borrowings of SC households. The study conducted an empirical analysis by an extensive survey, covering 425 sample SC households in Pathanamthitta district of Kerala state with the help of a detailed Interview Schedule. In interpreting the role of SHGs, households were classified into households whose family members have association with SHGs and households who do not have any association with SHGs (Non-member). The study has employed financial service usage dimension for constructing an indicator measuring the extent of financial inclusion. The study has found that the membership in SHGs influenced the inclusion status of SC households. The study has also found that the dependence on informal source is more among the SHG members than non members.

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