[1]. Zutshi. Chitralekha, Languages of Belonging, Islam, Regional Identity and the Making of
Kashmir, Delhi 2003, pp.62-63.
[2]. Bamzai. P.N.K, Socio-Economic History of Kashmir, Srinagar 2007, p.25.
[3]. Panikar. K.M, Op.cit, p.134.
[4]. Wakhlu. Somnath, Hari Singh The Maharaja, The Man, The Times, New Delhi 2004,
[5]. Panikar. K.M, Founding of Kashmir State, p.134.
[6]. Saxena. H.L, The Tragedy of Kashmir, New Delhi 1975, p.74.
[7]. Kilam, J.L, The History of Kashmiri Pandits, Delhi 2003, p. 217.
[8]. Koul. M.L, The Lion of Kashmir, Kashmir News Network, online website. Also see in
Koul. Pyarelal, Kashmir-Trail and Travail, Delhi 1996, p.12.
[9]. Kaul. Santosh, Freedom Struggle in Jammu and Kashmir, New Delhi 1990, p.10.
[10]. Zutshi. Chitralekha, Op.cit, p.90.
[11]. Khan. G.H, Freedom Movement in Kashmir, New Delhi 1980, p.102.
[12]. Rai. Mridhu, Hindu Rulers, Muslim Subjects, p.230.
[13]. Bazaz, P.N, The History of Struggle for freedom In Kashmir, Srinagar, 2002, p.135.
[14]. File no.261/28- C Of 1917, JKA-J.
[15]. Zutshi. Chitralekha, Op.cit, p.190.
[16]. Khan. G.H, Freedom Movement in Kashmir, p.101.
[17]. Yasin. Madhavi, Mysteries and Glimpses of Kashmir, Delhi 1996, p.176.
[18]. The State Subject Definition Notification, No. I-L/84 dated, 20th April, 1927.
[19]. Rai. Mridhu, Op.cit, p.230. 53. Khan. G.H, Freedom Movement in Kashmir, p.103.
[20]. Saraf. Mohammad Yusuf, Kashmir's Fight for Freedom, Vol.1 (1819-1946), Lahore,
[21]. File no.101/C-1, March of 1920, JKA.
[22]. Kaur, Ravinderjit, Political Awakening in Kashmir, p.86.
[23]. Saraf. Mohammad Yusuf, Kashmir's Fight for Freedom, Vol.1 (1819-1946), p.450.
[24]. Kaul. Pyarelal, Kashmir trail and Travail, Delhi 1991, p.16.
[25]. Saxena. H.L, The Tragedy of Kashmir, pp.177.
[26]. Memorial to His Highness on Behalf of Kashmiri Pandits, Political Department D6/1934, JSA.
[27]. Correspondence Between Prem Nath Bazaz and Mahatma Gandhi, May 8, 1934, Srinagar
From P.N. Bazaz, Kashmir in Crucible