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1Fakher SMAOUI, 2Niazi KAMMOUN
1. Doctor in Economics, researcher in the LED, University of Sfax (Tunisia).
2. Higher School of Business, University of Sfax (Tunisia).

SMAOUI, Fakher, and Niazi KAMMOUN. "THE EFFICIENCY OF PUBLIC SPENDING ON EDUCATION IN TUNISIA AND THE CHALLENGES OF INTEGRATING GRADUATES." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 4, no. 1, Jan. 2019, pp. 494-509, Accessed Jan. 2019.
SMAOUI, F., & KAMMOUN, N. (2019, January). THE EFFICIENCY OF PUBLIC SPENDING ON EDUCATION IN TUNISIA AND THE CHALLENGES OF INTEGRATING GRADUATES. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 4(1), 494-509. Retrieved from
SMAOUI, Fakher, and Niazi KAMMOUN. "THE EFFICIENCY OF PUBLIC SPENDING ON EDUCATION IN TUNISIA AND THE CHALLENGES OF INTEGRATING GRADUATES." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 4, no. 1 (January 2019), 494-509. Accessed January, 2019.

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This article argues that the education sector generates economic growth if the expenditures allocated to it are appropriately used. Therefore, the mission of universities is no longer confined to the production and dissemination of knowledge and know-how but extends to training and professional integration. For this reason, public spending on education services is a very important part of total public expenditure in Tunisia. However, using the DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) model and higher education data to calculate the efficiency scores for the 1971/ 2015 period, we found that education services are not efficient and therefore public spending in these sectors is not of good quality. For this reason, the authorities must introduce new and more transparent practices in the management of public expenditure in order to achieve the objectives being set in terms of educational policies.

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