International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Phuong Uyen Pham, Thi Thao Hien Bui

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1Phuong Uyen Pham, 2Thi Thao Hien Bui
1,2. School of Business, International University, Vietnam National University - HCM.

Pham, Phuong Uyen, and Thi Thao Hien Bui. "THE IMPACT OF USER GENERATED EVALUATION ON THE PURCHASING INTENTION OF MILLENNIALS IN VIETNAM - A CASE STUDY OF FOODY." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 4, no. 7, July 2019, pp. 5213-5232, Accessed July 2019.
Pham, P., & Bui, T. (2019, July). THE IMPACT OF USER GENERATED EVALUATION ON THE PURCHASING INTENTION OF MILLENNIALS IN VIETNAM - A CASE STUDY OF FOODY. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 4(7), 5213-5232. Retrieved from
Pham, Phuong Uyen, and Thi Thao Hien Bui. "THE IMPACT OF USER GENERATED EVALUATION ON THE PURCHASING INTENTION OF MILLENNIALS IN VIETNAM - A CASE STUDY OF FOODY." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 4, no. 7 (July 2019), 5213-5232. Accessed July, 2019.

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With the growth of e-commerce, online consumer evaluation has increasingly become integral sources of information, especially with business websites that help consumers in their purchase intention. However, almost the stream of online user-generated reviews have caused information overload, making consumers confused to choose reliable source. For an online retail market to succeed, it is important to lead product reviewers to be reliable, relevant, understandable, and for consumers to get helpful reviews more easily by figuring out the factors determining the helpfulness of them. For this research, selected data were collected from people have been used - the largest food sites in Vietnam. Our studies mainly focues on these principal elements: Information consistency, evaluation content, evaluation rating, evaluation trustworthiness which results in the influence on the value of online user assessment. Our findings provide new perspectives to online market owners on how to manage online reviews on their Web sites. Quantitative research will be the main methodology applied in this study with the sample size accounted at 312 processing in Explanatory Factors Analysis and deeply exploiting by Structural Equation Modeling method. The outcomes highlights the significant initial effect of independent dimensions information consistency, evaluation content, evaluation rating, evaluation trustworthiness, and evaluation value toward consumer awareness as well as towards purchasing intention of millennials in Vietnam, specifically in Ho Chi Minh City. According, there are several recommendations suggested to solve problems for Foody individually and Food services in Vietnam in general speaking.

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