International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Dr. Mallikarjuna Chiruthoti

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Dr. Mallikarjuna Chiruthoti
Centre for Folk Culture Studies, University of Hyderabad.

Chiruthoti, Dr. Mallikarjuna. "SOCIAL EXCLUSION AS AN EMERGING PARADIGM." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 4, no. 8, Aug. 2019, pp. 5396-5414, Accessed Aug. 2019.
Chiruthoti, D. (2019, August). SOCIAL EXCLUSION AS AN EMERGING PARADIGM. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 4(8), 5396-5414. Retrieved from
Chiruthoti, Dr. Mallikarjuna. "SOCIAL EXCLUSION AS AN EMERGING PARADIGM." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 4, no. 8 (August 2019), 5396-5414. Accessed August, 2019.

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Social exclusion is a process through which individuals or groups either completely or partially are excluded from full participation in the society within which they live. Such social distanciation from accessibility of resources is a culturally constituted phenomena and is instrumental in making and breaking social relations which may even lead to conflicts and thereby violence. At the societal level, social exclusion reflects inadequate social cohesion. At the individual level, it refers to the incapacity to participate in normatively expected social activities and to build meaningful social relations. Social exclusion can be considered as both a condition and a process, although it is most frequently treated in dynamic terms. This paper tries to explain about social exclusion as an emerging paradigm in Indian context in particular and western in general.

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